Bruch mit Tradition
Name: Fraktur – Bruch mit Tradition
Format: Workbook
Time of creation: Winter 2020/21
Collaboration: Stella Höppe
Project type: University project
Workbook teaching how to read and write in Fraktur, a blackletter font.
Blackletter fonts are part of the German cultural heritage. Yet recently, they have been falsely associated with right wing extremism and have therefore fallen mostly out of use. Most Germans nowadays struggle to read blackletter fonts, nevermind write them. This workbook seeks to remedy that and put blackletter fonts in a fun and modern context, so people may overcome their prejudice and enjoy the beauty of blackletter fonts once more.
Fellow student Stella Höppe created a complementary magazine to the workbook. It focuses on the theoretical background knowledge on blackletter fonts.

Understanding the Title
The project title „Bruch mit Tradition“ has two meanings.
- „Bruch“ means fracture or break, so the more literal translation of „Bruch mit Tradition“ is „breaking with tradition“.
- However, „gebrochene Schrift“, meaning „broken font“, is also a colloquial name for blackletter fonts because of their hard-edged appearance. Hence „Bruch mit Tradition“ can also be read as „traditional blackletter font“.